Article: Commonwealth of Decay console configuration and actor lists 050 ONWARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article is only relevant for Commonwealth Of Decay generation 050 onwards of SKK476OpenWorld.ESP. For Fallout 4-76 OpenWorld & Commonwealth of Decay version 050 (May 2022) ONWARD refer to Fallout 4-76 console configuration and actor lists 050 ONWARD. For Fallout 4-76 OpenWorld version 040 (March 2022) to 049 (unpublished) refer to Fallout 4-76 console configuration and actor lists 040 to 049 LEGACY. For Fallout 4-76 OpenWorld version 007 (June 2018) to 038 (March 2022) refer to the article Fallout 4-76 console configuration 007 to 038 LEGACY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Variables that can be set with the console, Papyrus remote script properties via GetFormFromFile. Or use Commonwealth of Decay - MCM Settings Menu (limited to 058 functions). To set global variables with the game console use [set VARIABLE to VALUE] Most variables need an associated script function run to activate them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKK_476Enabled SKK_476CommonwealthOfDecayEnabled To start a conversion call the enabling function: To bat file start in a clean savegame with default settings: setSKK_476Enabled to 0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKK_476ReplaceNPC -1 is none, replacements disabled ActorReplacement markers spawn 1 actor This actor list to use value is ignored forCommonwealth of Decay mode which always random picks from list SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral, except in specific locations: Institute interior locations random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoulInstitute SKK_476ReplaceDeadActors SKK_476SpawnChance SKK_476InstituteConcourseSpawnChance SKK_476RespawnGameDays SKK_476RespawnChance SKK_476SpawnNearWorkshops SKK_476SpawnREMarkers SKK_476SpawnPOIMarkers
Mod Name: Commonwealth of Decay
Mod File: SKK476OpenWorld.ESP
Platform: Fallout 4 (PC, XBOX)
Author: [emailprotected]
Date: May 2022
Version: 050 to 059
[ *0 | 1 ] A one time switch set after OpenWorld conversion. DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE
[ *0 | 1 ] A one time switch to load the Commonwealth Of Decay configuration during OpenWorld conversion. Leaving it at zero will run a basic 4-76 OpenWorld conversion without enabling any of the COD subsystems. Most can be enabled in the holotape after conversion.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.OpenWorldEnable” ]
set SKK_476CommonwealthOfDecayEnabled to 1;
cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.OpenWorldEnable”;
The actor to spawn at ActorReplacement, RandomEncounter, PointOfInterest and BOSSChest spawn markers.
0 is random pick from list SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral
1 is random pick from list SKK_476ReplacementActorsSynth
2 is random pick from list SKK_476ReplacementActorsRaider
3 is random pick from list SKK_476UserAddedActorList
99 is random pick from all available lists
Exterior RE/POI/BOSS markers spawn 2 to 8 actors
Interior RE/POI/BOSS markers spawn 2 to 4 actors
Gunner interior locations random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoulGunner
Railroad interior locations random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoul
Vault81 locations random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoulV81
[ *0 | 1 ] Generate actor spawn markers at base game corpses. Once a corpse is ignored it will never be marked.
[ 1 to *100 ] The chance for a marker to spawn actors in that respawn period.
COD Default is 90 except for InstituteConcourse location which uses SKK_476InstituteConcourseSpawnChance.
The Institute concourse has 110 actors, if all are replaced at once the experience becomes foolish.
Default value:60
The interval after the last actor associated with that spawn marker dies before it will respawn OnLoad.
[0 to 32768] 0 is off, 0.0416 is one game hour, 1 is one game day. COD default is 8 days.
[ 1 to *100 ] The chance for a marker to respawn actors after its initial spawn fill.
COD Default starts at 90 and then is updated in script to reduce with the number of owned workshops.
Exept for InstituteConcourse location which uses SKK_476InstituteConcourseSpawnChance.
[*0 | 1 | 2] Spawn in LocTypeWorkshopSettlment tagged locations, similar to but not the same as build areas.
0:No, 1:yes, 2:Only if workshop is unowned. COD Default is 2.
Spawn at ~180 Random Encounter trigger replacement markers. Disable if using someting like Random Encounter manager to avoid actor overload and contention.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchMarkerRESpawn" value ] ; value is 0 or 1
Spawn at ~50 Point of Interest markers.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchMarkerPOISpawn" value ] ; value is 0 or 1
Spawn at ~220 Boss loot chest markers.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchMarkerBOSSSpawn" value ] ; value is 0 or 1
Enable or disable hunters
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchHunter” value ] ; value is[0 | 1]
Any number in realtime minutes as the seed floor for [random N to N*2] between Hunter teams dying/unloading and new spawns. Holotape values 5, 10, 20, 40, 80
Fixed to value 0 for ferals in Commonwealth of Decay mode
Basic OpenWorld mode values:
*0 is random pick from list SKK_476HunterActorsFeral
1 is random pick from list SKK_476HunterActorsSynth
2 is random pick from list SKK_476HunterActorsRaider
3 is random pick from list SKK_476UserAddedActorList
99 is random pick from all available lists
The hunter team size is 2 to 16 actors indexed to player level (16 at level 25).
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchHorde” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
The chance a horde will spawn within N days of the last one disbanding
Default value 20 which increases with number of owned workshops to max 80%.
This *IS* Commonwealth of Decay, disabling it will casue a failure cascade through the whole game. If you dont want this then convert to the basic Open World, not COD.
Disables dependent EmergencyRadioQuest if disabled
Disables dependent HelpQuest if disabled
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchWorkshopInfestation” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Bloaters will spawn with infestations and exterior RE random encounter markers. The infection range increaes with player level from 200 to 2000 game units.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchBloater" value ); 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
This is used during player level up to calculateSKK_476BloaterSpawnChance.
Value 0 to 100, default 50.
This is dynamically updated during player levelup to (SKK_476BloaterSpawnChanceBase + (PlayerLevel * 2)) with default values 100% chance is at level 25.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchWorkshopSafetyTest” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
The starting baseline for safety, only used during conversion. Increases by 1 with each owned workshop
Default value 20
The fixed value above which is the chance of noise attraction attack each game day.
A workshop with 30 noise has a (30 - 20) 10% chance of being attacked.
Default value 20
Sanctuary will not be attacked or defense checked until this numebr of workshops are owned
Default value 3
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchWorkshopAttraction” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchHostileAlert” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Default 4096 game units.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchInfection” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Feral death item, default 98 automatically reduced to 96 on infection then reset to 98 on cure.
Cure in medical vendor stock, default 50 automatically reduced to 0 on infection then reset to 50 on cure.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchNuke” value ]
[0:32768] (Holotape 0:5:10:20:30) Game time Hours between nuke strikes [random N*0.5 to N*1.5]
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchRescueQuest” value ]
*0 Disabled
1 Continious starts 3 real minutes after last quest stops.
2 Random starts 30 to 90 real minutes after last quest stops.
Stolen Supplies <Alias=StolenSuppliesContainerLocation>
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchStolenSuppliesQuest” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Minimum number of player owned workshops before the quests trigger.
Value 1 to 30, default 10.
Chance of triggering the quest with each new workshop ownership.
Value (1 to 100) default 20.
Eyebot broadcasting Civil Defense Adminstration messages. Contains loot.
Disabled if dependent system SKK_476WorkshopInfestationEnabled is disabled.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchEmergencyRadioQuest” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Number of game hours (random N*0.66 to N*1.33) between broadcasts. Default 36
Help the <Alias=TeamLeader>
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchHelpQuest” value ] ; 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
The value remote configured on SKKDynamicLootReduction.espduring conversion for loot reduction.
Default 25 (for a 25% cance of loot). To adjust in game use the dynamic loot reduction menu item or read the mod page for console commands.
The inverse chance that empty BOSS loot containers will have some ammo (0 is 100% chance 100 is 0% chance).
Default 20 (for an 80% chance of ammo).
SKK_476FriendlyActorRecovery(wasSKK_476SurvivorRecovery to 057)
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchFriendlyActorRecovery” value ]
*0 Mortal can take damage from anyone, needs stimpack to heal, anyone can kill.
1 Protected can take damage from anyone, auto recovers health, only the player can kill.
2 Essential can take damage from anyone, auto recovers health, no one can kill.
3 Essential can take damage from anyone, needs stimpack to heal, no one can kill.
[ 0 | *1 ] Add a collectable death tag to all feral actors.
[ 0 | *1 ] Radiation devices triger Radstorms when loaded.
this is not exposed in the holotape
Value 1 to 100 default 10 used to level gate some bosses and dynamic dificulty tuning.
0 Show no warnings
*1 Show a warning message for Hunters and Nukes.
2 Show a warning message and map markers for Hunters and Nukes.
This is a one time setting that only has an effect at the point of conversion. After that it does nothing as unprotected human companions will/should be offed already. This can not protect mods using non standard mechanisms that the game can not detect with Game.GetPlayerFollowers().
0 Do not protect any human/synth companions or followers.
1 Add SKK_476NoDisable keyword to current companion and current followers (they are different things folks)
2 Add SKK_476NoDisable keyword to current companion, current followers and all base/dlc companions.
Switches vendors on and off
Value 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest “SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchRobotVendors” value ]
Suppresses action points to stop sprinting.
Value0:Off | 1:24hours | 2:DaytimeOnly
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchFeralSprint" value ]
Kills an actor regardles of health.
Value 0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Disables SKK_476HeadshotToKill if disabled.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchHeadshotDoKill" value ]
Requires a headshot to kill an actor at 0 health.
Value0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
Enables SKK_476HeadshotDoKill when enabled.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchHeadshotToKill" value ]
Player damage in 0:OFF | 1:100% | 2:200% | 3:300% | 4:400% ] regradless of game mode
Player jump height 0:OFF any other value increases by 50% so you can actually jump onto things.
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchPlayerPerk" value ]
Enables object add activate menu [Commands]
Value0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchActorCommandMenu" value ]
Enables object add activate menu [Take Ownersip] and [Consoidate] options.
Value0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchWorkshopMenus" value ]
SKK_476WorkshopLinkResources (new v052)
Link or unlink owned workshop build/craft resource sharing without provisioners.
Value0:Disabled | 1:Enabled
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchLinkWorkshopResources" value ]
Fixes the legendary chance default value 2.
Value 0:None to 100:Normal holotape values are 0: 0% | 1:1% | 2:2% | 5:5% | 100:Normal
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchChanceLegendary" value ]
Enable chemlab utiltiy crafing of tool/weapon.
Default value 1
SKK_476TrackActorsEnabled (new 057)
Track all actors that have WorkshopNPCScript so can be workshop recruited to ensure they do not just disappear when reassigned/transferred between workshops:
0 Track Workshop Actors Off
1 Track Workshop Actors On silent
2 Track Workshop Actors ON and pop death notifications
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchTrackActors" value ]
SKK_476CODTimescale (new 060)
This is set as the game [ Timescale ] value during COD conversion, default value 10:1
The spawning and respawn systems are keyed to this value, chaging it will significantly alter the pace of the game mode.
Default value 10. Not holotape switchable.
SKK_476ActorSearchMode (new 060)
Switches the "dynamic find actors to replace" between a 10 second timer and a player 4k movement marker.
Use the timer for high performance, use the movement marker for low overhead.
If the game stutters on cell load which may be caused by replacement actors rendering in, switch the setting to see what happens.
Default value 1:Timer. Holotape values [ 1:Timer | 2:Movement ]
[ cqf SKK_476MainQuest "SKK_476MainQuestScript.SwitchActorSearchMode" 1]
The value to increment ally actor health on spawn or heal at 100 + (PlayerLevel *SKK_476ActorScaleHealth)
Default value 5
Makes all ally actors mortal during setup, spawning and health upgrades.
Default value 1
[ SetGS iHoursToRespawnCell value 999999 ] ;default 168
[ SetGS iHoursToRespawnCellCleared 999999 ] ;default 480
[ SetGS iRemoveExcessDeadCount 36 ] ;default 5
[ SetGSfXPDeathRewardHealthThreshold 0.005 ] ;default 0.25
[ SetGS fJumpFallHeightMultNPC 0.0 ] ;default 0.10
Feral Nights
SKK_FeralNightsSpawningEnabled 1
SKK_FeralNightsSpawnTimerGameHours 2
SKK_FeralNightsSpawnChanceBase 25
SKK_FeralNightsSpawnChanceIncrement 20
SKK_FeralNightsSpawnCount.SetValue -1
SKK_FeralNightsWorkshopSafeDefense = SKK_476WorkshopSafeDefense dynamically updated on workshop ownership change.
Multiracial workshop actors
SKK_MWARecovery 0 ; mortal
SKK_MWAScaleHealth = SKK_476ActorScaleHealth (default 5)
SKK_MWADisableRecruiting 1 ; hide recruting radio and beacon crafting.
SKK_MWAActorCommandMenuEnabled 0 ; deconflict COD actor command menu
Hack Protectrons as Settlers
SKK_HackProtectronRecovery 0 ; Mortal
SKK_HackProtectronScaleHealth = SKK_476ActorScaleHealth (default 5)
Dynamic Loot Reduction
SKK_DLRLootChance = SKK_476DynamicLootChance (Default 25)
The existing actor FormLists can be modified and saved in a seperate xEdit over-ride file to add or remove Non-Player Character (Actor) NPC_ records.
When COD is enabled these lists are used (unless you monkey with the SKK_476ReplaceDeadActors and SKK_476HunterNPC values).
ActorReplacement markers: Random pick from SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral
except Institute: Random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoulInstitute
except RailroadHQ: Random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoul
except Vault75/95: Random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoulGunner
except Vault81: Random pick SKK_476ReplacementActorsGhoulV81
RE spawn markers: Random picks from SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral
POI spawn markers: Random picks from SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral
BOSS spawn markers: Random picks from SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral
Hunters: Random picks from SKK_476HunterActorsFeral
Nuke BOSS: Index 0 is boss, minions random pick SKK_476NukeBOSSActor
WorkshopAttraction: Index 0 is boss, minions random pick SKK_476WorkshopAttractionActors
Workshop Infestation: Index 0 is boss, minions random pick SKK_476WorkshopInfestActors
WanderingHorde: Index 0 is boss, minions random pick SKK_476WanderingHordeActors
Infection only works with actors that have keyword SKK_476ActorFeral.
HostileAlert only works with lvlActors that have SKK_476ActorScript.
Headshots only work with lvlActors that have SKK_476ActorScript.
The existing actor FormLists can be modified and saved in a seperate xEdit over-ride file to add or remove Non-Player Character (Actor) NPC_ records.
The basic open world uses the following lists:
SKK_476ReplacementActorsFeral (used by SKK_476ReplaceNPC value) OK to over-ride.
SKK_476ReplacementActorsSynth (used by SKK_476ReplaceNPC value) OK to over-ride.
SKK_476ReplacementActorsRaider (used by SKK_476ReplaceNPC value) OK to over-ride.
SKK_476HunterActorsFeral (used by SKK_476HunterNPC value) OK to over-ride.
SKK_476HunterActorsSynth (used by SKK_476HunterNPC value) OK to over-ride.
SKK_476HunterActorsRaider (used by SKK_476HunterNPC value) OK to over-ride.
SKK_476UserAddedActorList (used by SKK_476ReplaceNPC and SKK_476HunterNPC values) OK to over-ride.
To add actors from DLC or other mods they must become masters to the over-ride file.
List content can be changed in an active savegame as long as the actor source ESM/ESP/ESL is still active in the load order to service already spawned actors.
DO NOT EDIT SKK_476CustomActorList it is a scripted consolidation of the new SKK_476UserAddedActorList and the legacy SKK476CustomActor.esp method which is refreshed at every save game load.
Console BAT file to reset all variables to default BEFORE activating COD/OpenWorld.
If this is run after enabling COD/OW many settings need an associated script function to activate the change, all are listed in the detail sections.
set SKK_476ActorCommandMenuPerkEnabled to 0
set SKK_476ActorScaleHealth to 5
set SKK_476ActorSearchMode to 1
set SKK_476AlwaysSecureSanctuary to 3
set SKK_476AmmoLootChanceNone to 0
set SKK_476BloaterEnabled to 0
set SKK_476BloaterSpawnChance to 50
set SKK_476BloaterSpawnChanceBase to 50
set SKK_476ChanceLegendaryValue to 100
set SKK_476CombatSettlersInstalled to 0
setSKK_476CODTimescale to 10
set SKK_476CommonwealthOfDecayEnabled to 0
set SKK_476DeathItemEnabled to 1
set SKK_476DynamicLootChance to 100
set SKK_476EmergencyRadioQuestEnabled to 0
set SKK_476EnableRobotVendors to 1
set SKK_476EveryoneIsMortal to 0
set SKK_476FeralSprintStopValue to 0
set SKK_476HeadshotDoKill to 0
set SKK_476HeadshotToKill to 0
set SKK_476HelpQuestEnabled to 0
set SKK_476HordeChance to 20
set SKK_476HordeEnabled to 0
set SKK_476HostileAlertEnabled to 0
set SKK_476HostileAlertRange to 4096
set SKK_476HunterEnabled to 1
set SKK_476HunterNPC to 0
set SKK_476HunterTimerSeed to 20
set SKK_476InfectionCorpseFluidChanceNone to 100
set SKK_476InfectionCureChanceNone to 100
set SKK_476InfectionEnabled to 0
set SKK_476NukeTimerSeed to 0
set SKK_476PlayerLevelGate to 10
set SKK_476PlayerPerkValue to 0
set SKK_476ProtectCompanions to 1
set SKK_476ReplaceDeadActors to 0
set SKK_476ReplaceNPC to 0
set SKK_476RescueQuestEnabled to 0
set SKK_476RespawnChance to 80
set SKK_476RespawnGameDays to 8
set SKK_476ShowHostileNotification to 1
set SKK_476SpawnBOSSMarkers to 1
set SKK_476SpawnChance to 80
set SKK_476SpawnNearWorkshops to 0
set SKK_476SpawnPOIMarkers to 1
set SKK_476SpawnREMarkers to 1
set SKK_476StolenSuppliesChance to 20
set SKK_476StolenSuppliesMinimumWorkshops to 10
set SKK_476StolenSuppliesQuestEnabled to 0
set SKK_476StoreTurretEnabled to 0
set SKK_476FriendlyActorRecovery to 1
set SKK_476WeatherChangeEnabled to 0
set SKK_476WorkshopAttractionEnabled to 0
set SKK_476WorkshopInfestationEnabled to 0
set SKK_476WorkshopLinkResources to 0
set SKK_476WorkshopMenuPerksEnabled to 0
set SKK_476WorkshopSafeDefense to 20
set SKK_476WorkshopSafeNoise to 10
set SKK_476WorkshopSafetyTestEnabled to 0