Proprietary Trading: What It Is, How It Works, Benefits (2024)

What Is Proprietary Trading?

Proprietary trading refers to a financial firm or commercial bank that invests for direct market gain rather than earning commission dollars by trading on behalf of clients. Also known as "prop trading," this type of trading activity occurs when a financial firm chooses to profit from market activities rather than thin-margin commissions obtained through client trading activity. Proprietary trading may involve the trading of stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, or other instruments.

Financial firms or commercial banks that engage in proprietary trading believe they have a competitive advantage that will enable them to earn an annual return that exceeds index investing, bond yield appreciation, or other investment styles.

Proprietary Trading: What It Is, How It Works, Benefits (1)

Key Takeaways

  • Proprietary trading refers to a financial institution using its own capital, rather than client funds, to conduct financial transactions.
  • Proprietary traders may execute an assortment of market strategies that include index arbitrage, statistical arbitrage, merger arbitrage, fundamental analysis, volatility arbitrage, technical analysis, and/or global macro trading.
  • Market analysts understand that large financial institutions purposely obfuscate details on proprietary vs. non-proprietary trading operations in order to obscure activities promoting corporate self-interest.

How Does Proprietary Trading Work?

Proprietary trading, which is also known as "prop trading," occurs when a trading desk at a financial institution, brokerage firm, investment bank, hedge fund, or other liquidity source uses the firm's capital and balance sheet to conduct self-promoting financial transactions. These trades are usually speculative in nature, executed through a variety of derivatives or other complex investment vehicles.

Benefits of Proprietary Trading

Proprietary trading provides many benefits to a financial institution or commercial bank, most notably higher quarterly and annual profits. When a brokerage firm or investment bank trades on behalf of clients, it earns revenues in the form of commissions and fees. This income can represent a very small percentage of the total amount invested or the gains generated, but the proprietary trading process allows an institution to realize 100% of the gains earned from an investment.

The second benefit is that the institution is able to stockpile an inventory of securities. This helps in two ways. First, any speculative inventory allows the institution to offer an unexpected advantage to clients. Second, it helps these institutions prepare for down or illiquid markets when it becomes harder to purchase or sell securities on the open market.

The final benefit is associated with the second benefit. Proprietary trading allows a financial institution to become an influential market maker by providing liquidity on a specific security or group of securities.

An Example of a Proprietary Trading Desk

In order for proprietary trading to be effective and also keep the institution's clients in mind, the proprietary trading desk is normally "roped off" from other trading desks. This desk is responsible for a portion of the financial institution's revenues, unrelated to client work while acting autonomously.

However, proprietary trading desks can also function as market makers, as outlined above. This situation arises when a client wants to trade a large amount of a single security or trade a highly illiquid security. Since there aren't many buyers or sellers for this type of trade, a proprietary trading desk will act as the buyer or seller, initiating the other side of the client trade.

How Does Proprietary Trading Work?

Proprietary trading occurs when a financial institution trades financial instruments using its own money rather than client funds. This allows the firm to maintain the full amount of any gains earned on the investment, potentially providing a significant boost to the firm's profits. Proprietary trading desks are generally "roped off" from client-focused trading desks, helping them to remain autonomous and ensuring that the financial institution is acting in the interest of its clients.

Why Do Firms Engage in Proprietary Trading?

Financial institutions engage in proprietary trading as a way of benefitting from perceived competitive advantages and maximizing their profits. Since proprietary trading uses the firm's own money rather than funds belonging to its clients, prop traders can take on greater levels of risk without having to answer to clients.

Can Banks Engage in Proprietary Trading?

The Volcker Rule, implemented in response to the 2007-2008 financial crisis, places restrictions against large banks using their own accounts for short-term proprietary trading of securities, derivatives, and commodity futures, along with options on these instruments. The rule is designed to shield customers bypreventing banks from making the types of speculative investments that contributed to the Great Recession.

The Bottom Line

Proprietary trading occurs when a financial institution carries out transactions using its own capital rather than trading on behalf of its clients. The practice allows financial firms to maximize their profits, as they are able to keep 100% of the investment earnings generated by proprietary trades. Institutions such as brokerage firms, investment banks, and hedge funds frequently have proprietary trading desks. However, there are restrictions against large banks engaging in prop trading, designed to limit the speculative investments that contributed the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

Proprietary Trading: What It Is, How It Works, Benefits (2024)


Proprietary Trading: What It Is, How It Works, Benefits? ›

Proprietary trading occurs when a financial institution trades financial instruments using its own money rather than client funds. This allows the firm to maintain the full amount of any gains earned on the investment, potentially providing a significant boost to the firm's profits.

What are the benefits of prop trading firms? ›

Access to Capital: One of the most significant advantages of joining a prop trading firm is the access to the company's capital. Traders can leverage the firm's funds, which allows them to take larger trading positions than they could afford with their own capital. This can potentially lead to higher profits.

Is proprietary trading good? ›

Advantages of Proprietary Trading. There are many benefits, most notably higher quarterly and annual profits that proprietary trading provides to a financial institution or commercial bank. It generates revenue in the form of commissions and fees when a brokerage firm or investment bank trades on behalf of clients.

What are the pros and cons of prop firm trading? ›

However, if you understand the risk and trust the management and its operations, proprietary trading offers many advantages, although it mostly involves day trading. At the end of the day, the main advantage of proprietary trading is leverage, and the main disadvantage of proprietary trading is fraud.

What are the risks of proprietary trading? ›

Proprietary trading can create potential conflicts of interest such as insider trading and front running. Proprietary traders may use a variety of strategies such as index arbitrage, statistical arbitrage, merger arbitrage, fundamental analysis, volatility arbitrage, or global macro trading, much like a hedge fund.

Do prop firms give you real money? ›

While it's true that there have been instances of fraudulent prop firms, it's important to note that legitimate prop trading firms do exist, and they indeed pay traders based on their performance. It's crucial to thoroughly research and choose reputable firms with a proven track record.

Do prop traders make good money? ›

And that single difference creates many other differences: Prop trading Partners can take a much higher percentage of the profits for themselves. The much smaller capital base (tens of millions up to hundreds of millions), means that it's possible to earn extremely high annual returns (100%, 200%+, etc.).

How do proprietary traders get paid? ›

Prop traders make all or most of their income from splitting profits they generate in financial markets with the prop firm that provides them with capital. Prop traders face the same challenges as other traders but benefit from access to capital, technology, and interaction with other skilled traders.

How do proprietary traders make money? ›

How Does Proprietary Trading Work? Proprietary trading occurs when a financial institution trades financial instruments using its own money rather than client funds. This allows the firm to maintain the full amount of any gains earned on the investment, potentially providing a significant boost to the firm's profits.

How much do prop traders make? ›

In conclusion, the income of prop firm traders can vary greatly depending on several factors such as experience, performance, and the size of the firm. On average, a junior prop trader can expect to earn anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 per year, while a senior trader can make upwards of $500,000 annually.

Can you make a living prop trading? ›

As a result, anyone can be profitable as a prop trader because profitability is linked to their experience and skills, strategy, and ability to generate gains by trading in the market with the firm's capital.

Do you have to pay a prop firm back? ›

When you are trading with a prop firm, your losses are usually limited to the foregone risk of your challenge/account fee. You are generally not liable for the prop firm's lost funds.

Is prop trading hard? ›

Surviving as a prop trader can be challenging for several reasons. Many individuals struggle to become profitable due to the following factors: High Risk: Prop traders typically use leverage, which can amplify both gains and losses.

Can you lose money prop trading? ›

You can open an account with funding of $10,000, all the way up to an account worth $1 million. Proprietary trading is a great way to start trading without much capital, but there is a considerable risk of losing money. Your success rate reflects how well you can handle the risks.

Is proprietary trading illegal? ›

Prohibition on Proprietary Trading

The prohibition against proprietary trading applies not only to banks themselves but also to bank holding companies. Proprietary trading here is very broad, including almost all securities, derivatives, and futures.

Which prop firm is the best? ›

#1 – Funder Trading

Funder Trading stands first in our list of the top prop trading firms in 2024 due to multiple reasons but notably it is the only prop trading firm that offers options funding and includes coaching for every trader signed up.

Why do prop traders make so much money? ›

Prop firms provide traders with access to a significant amount of capital, typically in exchange for a percentage of the profits generated. This can allow traders to make significant profits, but it also means that they have the potential to lose a large amount of money.

Is prop firm a good idea? ›

Prop trading is one of the most lucrative activities as the money you earn is determined by a profit-sharing ratio. Unlike brokers, for instance, which generate money from commissions or spreads, the prop firm benefits from directly trading or investing in the market.

How much do prop firms pay traders? ›

In conclusion, the income of prop firm traders can vary greatly depending on several factors such as experience, performance, and the size of the firm. On average, a junior prop trader can expect to earn anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 per year, while a senior trader can make upwards of $500,000 annually.

How do prop firms get taxed? ›

Profitable independent contractor (IC) proprietary traders receive a 1099-MISC for “non-employee compensation.” Sole proprietors use a Schedule C to report fee revenue and deduct their business expenses, including home-office deductions, if they qualify.

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