UK Dating: Start Looking in the Right Place | EliteSingles (2024)

UK Dating: Start Looking in the Right Place | EliteSingles (1)

Regardless of whether you live in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff or Manchester, EliteSingles can help you find the long-term relationship you’ve been looking for. It may often seem difficult to find your dream partner in the UK, but we recognise that our members shouldn’t have to compromise when it comes to love – including how far they travel to find it. There may be more singles than ever before across the UK, but it’s all too easy to miss them in the bustle of modern life. To find someone with whom you really click, it’s all about looking in the right place.

People who join EliteSingles for UK dating aren’t interested in short-term dating or flings; they share a commitment to finding a true, loving, lasting relationship with someone they really get along with. The majority of our users are educated, single professionals aged 30-55, and serious about their search for a partner. If this sounds like the kind of person you’ve been looking for, join them today and register to see your matches.

UK dating with EliteSingles

For a country of relatively small proportions, the UK is a brilliantly diverse and bustling country. From Liverpool to London, our vibrant multiculturalism sets us apart from the rest of Europe. Yet it’s not all good in this country of opportunity; it’s not uncommon to hear British singles talk about having to sacrifice their romantic life to focus on their career, or struggling to find time to meet new people in the frantic buzz of city-life. It’s little surprise that increasing numbers are now turning online to find love. Our members come from everywhere in the UK, so if you’re looking to find a partner locally, you can find them with us.

Compatibility is what counts

Real compatibility is what matters most for loving, long-term relationships. But real compatibility doesn’t mean simply pairing people with similar interests. Both of you living for outdoor sports might be a great thing to share together, yet it might not be enough to ensure you get through some of the more testing times in your lives.

At EliteSingles we think that compatibility runs deeper than that. For love that lasts, it’s important that your personalities also sing from the same hymn sheet. We also know that our members may be busy, and simply don’t have the time to wade through the profiles of singles they know won’t suit them in the long-term. Instead, we help to introduce you to the most suitable singles on our site.

We make it happen using a two-part Smart Profiling System which considers both your search preferences as well as your personality. For this we use a detailed personality questionnaire, based on ‘The Big Five’ model of psychology personality traits, which situates you on a scale of extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism.

While we think compatibility personalities matter, naturally you’ve probably an idea of what your ideal type is, or what sort of things you’re definitely looking for in a partner. When you register, we therefore also ask members to tell us about their preferences on things like their ideal partner’s age, distance, desire for children, drinking habits and more. These preferemces help to ensure those you meet on the site match with both your dating deal-breakers and your personality. This means you can be confident in having a real connection, with real long-term potential, with those we introduce you to on the site.

Moving your communication offline

With an EliteSingles introduction you can be confident in getting along well. Yet as close a match as a couple might seem on paper, it’s always that mysterious, often elusive ‘chemistry’ that ultimately decides if a good online connection works in the flesh.

Your first date with EliteSingles is a big step the dating process. Luckily with us you’ve got little to fear; not only are you likely to be a great fit if you’ve met through us, but we offer a host of advice in our online magazine top help your date go smoothly. From ideal date locations to psychological body language advice, you can read it all here.

Still looking for a UK dating site that works? At EliteSingles we’re committed to helping all our members find the relationships they deserve. Register today and find yours now.


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UK Dating: Start Looking in the Right Place | EliteSingles (28)

About the author: EliteSingles Editorial

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UK Dating: Start Looking in the Right Place | EliteSingles (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.